How to buy?
In this section, we teach you everything you need to know about shopping at Sistemas24H.
How to find a product?
To find a product, you can use the navigation menu. You will see it located at the top of the website. In this way, you will be able to access all the product categories available in our online shop.

Some categories are further divided into subcategories. Thanks to these, you will be able to get to the most specific item listings. If you wish, you can sort them from cheapest to most expensive and vice versa.

Also you can use the search engine at the top of our page. The result will show the items available depending on the data you enter.

How does the search engine work?
It is quite simple. 

When typing a term in the SEARCH BOX, the closest possible results will be displayed. 
In this way, you can narrow down your search, as you will have a list of all available products based on the data entered.

How to add products to the basket?
To add items to the shopping cart, the most important thing is to stipulate the measures you want (if the product requires it). 

Before you buy, check that the measurements are correct.. If you need help with this, take a look at our How to take measurements section.

Then choose the colour, finish and accessories you want. Then, simply click on the button "Add to cart". You will then see a window with the summary of your order, where you can delete the selected item, continue shopping or finalise your purchase.

If you click on the button "Trolley"(at the top right of the website), a window will also appear with the summary of the order, where you can perform the actions we have just mentioned, as well as the options "Download cart as PDF" and "Apply coupon".

Can you give me more information about a product?
If you need more information about any of our products, you can contact Sistemas24H in three different ways:

- By telephone: +34 926 531 113.
- By e-mail: to
- Via the chat on our website: you will find it in the bottom right corner of the page.

Ask us what you need and one of our professionals will answer you as soon as possible.

The response time will depend on whether we need to speak to one of our suppliers or whether it is simply an advisory enquiry to our specialist team.

Customer Account
You do not need to register to buy in Sistemas24H, but you can become a user quickly and easily:

Click on "My account" and you will see that on the right hand side of the screen you will see the button "Create an account".
Click on it to register. You can choose to login by Facebook or Google or by fill in the following fields:

- Name (or company name)
- Surname (not necessary in the case of companies)
- DNI or NIF
- Country / Region
- Street address
- Postcode
- Town / City
- Provincia
- Telephone
- E-mail address
- Password

And that's it! By completing these details, you will be registered with Sistemas24H.

I cannot access my account

To access our online shop, you will be asked to enter the email address and password you chose at the time of registration. If you have problems logging in, check that both data are correct.

If the email address is correct and you still cannot access your account, we advise you to reset the password. In the "Login / Register" section, you will find the link "Forgot your password?", just below the password box on the left hand side.
Click on it and enter your user email. When you do, we will send you the instructions to reset it.

If, at this point, you are still unable to access your account, please contact our Customer Service Department. We will try to locate and solve the problem.

Purchasing Steps
We tell you how to place an order in 5 simple steps:

1.- Browse through Sistemas24H until you find the item you are looking for. Select it and indicate what size, what colour, how many units, etc. you want. Then click on "Add to cart".

2.- In the shopping cart, You will see the chosen products and their price.

3.- If you are not registered, Please provide us with the necessary information to send you the order. (name, address, telephone, etc.).

4.- If you have any discount coupon, you can enter it now.

5.- Choose how to pay for your order and click on "Pay".Buy now", to take you to the payment gateway.

6.- Once the payment is received, we will send you the order. In your email, you will receive a summary with all the details, for any queries you may have.

Accepted forms of payment
At Sistemas24H, we accept the following methods to pay for an order:

- Payment with credit card.
- Payment by BIZUM, fast and immediate service.
- Payment by account PayPal.
- Payment by Bank transfer.
- Instant payment with Aplazame, buy now and pay later.

Select the one that suits you best at the time.
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