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Somfty: shutter motors

Last updated:
28 February, 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes

You may have already seen that in Sistemas24H we provide motors for blinds, among them are those of the brand Somfy. In this post we intend to explain you more in depth all the advantages about Somfy Motors for roller blinds.

somfty motors for roller shutters

Motors for roller shutters, a necessity?

We live in an era in which we seek to the maximum optimisation of our daily lifeWhy shouldn't the field of roller shutters be part of this trend? 

It is not a question of simple fashion without reasoning. At the end of the day, what we are doing is improving our daily lives in order to gain in quality of life, safety and a number of other important aspects. The same goes for motorisation of roller shutters.

Experts recommend the installation of motors on roller shutters for a number of advantages that Somfy more than delivers.which we will describe in this post. In short, we are going to show you that installing a roller shutter motor is not a secondary or unnecessary fact, but rather the opposite.

Why Somfy? Your roller blind motors and their advantages

At Sistemas24H we chose Somfy motors because of their advantages over other systems. Among them, for example, we highlight that it has products with the most advanced technology and with more than enough power to support and handle all kinds of blinds.

But, beyond this, we would like to point out what we consider to be the main benefits offered by Somfy:

Easy installation

It should be noted that these engines can be installed without any problems. Why do we say this? Because they do not require any kind of labour-intensive work.This makes them much easier to install compared to other brands that do require installation.

Your remote control and convenience

Its name is Telis Modulis Soliris RTS and it is a remote control tool that allows different functions such as adjusting the sunlight sensor, the intensity of the lights, the slats on the blinds, etc. All this is possible with a single gesture of your hand.

Saving money on electricity bills

Its sun sensor offers us the possibility of saving on our electricity bill. By allowing automatic programming of the roller shutter motor, the blinds can be conveniently raised and lowered at key times of the day. In this way, you can take advantage of or avoid the hottest times of the day and save on your electricity bill. adjusting the temperature in our home in a natural waywithout using air conditioning or heating. So Somfy and its roller shutter motors not only help you, but also the environment and energy efficiency.

home somfy shutter motor

Protection against burglary and break-ins

But being able to programme your blinds is a benefit in itself, as you don't need to be at home to raise or lower them. What does this also mean? It means that we can keep burglars away, because there always seems to be someone at home. In addition, if we program the lowering of our roller shutters, the Somfy mechanism makes it difficult to access the house from the outside.

Better maintenance of roller shutters

Why do professionals recommend these motors? Because they help blinds to last longer, as Somfy takes care of avoid violent dips or jerkshelping to maintain it.

Competitive pricing

And the best thing is that the easy installation or the high power of Somfy motors does not make these products inaccessible, but they stand out for their interesting and attractive design. value for money.

You already know Somfy, its motors for roller shutters and its advantages compared to other brands. Tell us, would you be interested in trying them and verify everything we have told you in this post? If so, you already know that we can offer you these systems at the best price on the market, as well as the accessories necessary for their use.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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