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Duration of tiger mosquito bites

Last updated:
14 March, 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes
Mosquito bites on a child's legs

Summer brings the sun, the heat, the beach, holidays and partying with friends. However, this time of year also brings with it the appearance of annoying companions such as mosquitoes. During this time of the year, the increase in humidity and heat causes these insects to proliferate and be more and more common. ready to sting us. In addition, allergy experts have noted an exponential increase in consultations about mosquito bites and reactions to them. As well as the duration of tiger mosquito bites.

What do we know about the tiger mosquito?

It is an insect that can reach up to 1 cm in lengthblack in colour with white spots on the abdomen and stripes on the hind legs. In addition, it has a white line running from the head to the thorax. Because of its powerful bite, it was given the name "tiger".

Among its characteristics we can highlight:

  • The fertilised females are the ones that biteThey feed on blood in order to develop their eggs. They feed mainly on human blood, although they can also bite other mammals or even birds if necessary.
  • Its peck can reach through clothingindicating how powerful the sting can be.
  • Their favourite habitat is the small placesthat have water and human presence. They are quite common in gardens, terraces, orchards or patios, among others.
  • See fly and attack during the day and take refuge at night. It is very aggressive during the first and last hours of the day (from 6 to 10 a.m. and from 4 to 10 p.m.).
  • They may be able to several stings in a chain.

What harm can the tiger mosquito cause?

Humans feel the bite of the tiger mosquito in a very tangible way, since it causes pain and stingingmore than the common mosquito. Symptoms may include swelling, itching, rash, pain and, in extreme cases, may lead to infection through compulsive and excessive scratching, resulting in skin wounds.

The tiger mosquito, especially the fertilised female, is guilty of biting and sucking the blood, while at the same time inoculating its saliva to prevent clotting. This saliva is a poison for our organism and is usually last 3 to 4 days in the human body, causing us to feel the consequences of the sting. To combat this, the body releases histamine and this is when the symptoms of inflammation and itching occur.

In addition to the aforementioned symptoms caused by mosquito bites, this mosquito carries diseases such as the dengue, yellow fever and transmitter of other viral diseases to animals. On the other hand, it can also cause anaphylactic shock or an asthma attack.

What to do in case of multiple tiger mosquito bites?

If you have suffered several bites from this type of mosquitoFirst, wash the area, apply cold or an itch lotion to reduce the likelihood of injury from scratching. Ice numbs the skin and reduces the heat, soothing the skin and slowing down the reaction.

Compounds such as antihistamines help to stop the outbreak in case of any kind of allergy to mosquitoes.

When there are many stings and the reaction is quite extensive, a corticosteroid cream can perfectly relieve itching and reduce the duration of the itch.

As you can see, tiger mosquitoes are here to stay, but it is possible to treat the bites if you are bitten, but always try to keep the mosquitoes away by anti-mosquito lotions or mosquito nets fitted in doors and windows to avoid uncomfortable bites.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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