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What are the functions of home automation?

Last updated:
14 March, 2024
Reading time: 4 minutes

On more than one occasion, we have commented that you can install motors and automatisms for roller blinds to enjoy the advantages of home automation. However, the truth is that you can apply this technology in many ways. So that you can get to know the main ones, we have compiled a list of functions of home automation you might be interested in.

Functions of home automation

Below, we show you what different tasks home automation can be used for. The list is undoubtedly extensive, so we have tried to summarise it in the following categories:

Actions for technical alarms

In this section, we must highlight multiple services: on the one hand, there would be the locking of doors, windows and motorised blinds with home automation.

We would also talk about the activation of different interior and exterior elements, which serve as a quick (visual or acoustic) warning for the people living in the house, the neighbours or the relevant authorities. This would also include the activation of ventilation or the cutting off of supplies (electricity, gas and water).

Actions for intruder alarms

These functions ensure the security of the home and its inhabitants in the event of a break-in. In these cases, alarms (sound, light, etc.) and alerts (either by email, SMS or phone calls) are given to alert residents, bystanders and police alike.
In addition, access to the home would be blocked (e.g., if there are security shutters), zoning housing.

It is also possible to activate the panic room.

Zoned irrigation

Irrigation automation makes it possible to optimising their management and consumptionwhile saving water and energy. You can regulate the irrigation zones and times by hours, solar position, humidity, temperature, etc.

Presence simulation

Some elements can be activated to pretend someone is inside of the dwelling, when this is not the case. This can develop randomly, by programming or by imitation of the frequent actions of the inhabitants. When is this useful?

  • In those houses that are going to be empty for a few hours.
  • In homes where residents go away for weekends or holidays.
  • In second homes.

This function deters intruders who, believing that the house is occupied, do not attempt to break in. This is achieved by raising the venetian blinds every so often, turning on lights, etc.

wall-mounted thermostat

Time schedules (heating, air-conditioning, lights)

Of course, the programming of the different home automation functions would be one more feature to add to this list:

  • Heating.
  • Air conditioning.
  • Irrigation.
  • Lights.
  • Raising and lowering of the roller blinds.
  • Air renewal.
  • Alarm clock.
  • Etc.

Discover where the term domotics comes from.

Actions on motion detection

For example, automatic lighting places of passage, accesses, stairways or corridors. As well as blocking or opening different rooms in the home or controlled elements (doors, blinds, etc.), curtains or windows).

Consumption management

Home automation makes it possible to keeping your consumption under control. It will help you to know and visualise your energy history and costs, as well as configure your consumption according to the time, day or month. Among other functions.


With home automation, you can settle climates in line with the activities that do or do not take place in the home. For example, automatically lowering the blinds and lights if you are going to watch a film or heating your home if you are about to come home from work.

Load management

You can handling electrical loads of your home to prevent the power control switch from tripping. This is useful both to protect your appliances and to avoid excessive electricity bills.

Video surveillance

Thanks to home automation, you can install surveillance systems in the home and monitor them in real time and remotely. Something you can do from any digital device such as your mobile or computer.

Video door phones

With a door entry system with domoticsyou can open your front door from your mobile phone, laptop or tablet. This is a great help if you have to receive a package and you are not at home or if you want to let a guest in, but not give them the key.

woman and child on sofa

Benefits and applications of home automation

Having seen the main functions of home automation, let's discuss the benefits we can see. To summarise, the following advantages can be drawn from this home technology:

Energy management

You have already seen that home automation allows managing the energy used in a house. This is possibly its most relevant application. We are not only talking about electricity, but also about water, gas, etc. Home automation can reduce energy consumption (resulting in savings for your wallet), obtain greater energy efficiency and manage energy generation systems.


With home automation, the most routine and boring household chores are no longer a chore. will make themselves. Moreover, you can control these actions from a distance or simply by using your voice. So you won't have to move to play music, condition your bathroom, raise your blinds, etc.


Thanks to home automation, you can set up a security network that serves to protect the people and property in your home. In this way, you can preventing, detecting and reacting to intrusions unwanted (given the functions of video surveillance, alarms, etc. explained above).

Avoiding domestic accidents

If you have children, you will know how difficult it is to keep your home free from danger. Home automation anticipates this, and one of the benefits it offers is its accident avoidance systemscapable of mitigating or warning of floods, fires, etc.

Simple communication and control

Home automation allows you to know the status of your home at all timesand manage its elements remotely. Nowadays, home automation systems are very easy to use, regardless of whether you are at home or not. With a simple mobile phone you can have total control of your home.


The goal of home automation is universal accessibility, as it aims to make it possible to any person can make use of the household itemsWhatever their condition (whether they are elderly, sick or disabled).

Conclusion: What does home automation bring to the table?

In short, the functions of home automation are quite wide-ranging. They can range from programming some roller blinds even a whole house. So they provide us with great comfort, security and savings in almost all areas of the home.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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