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Why make your home a home automation system?

Last updated:
14 March, 2024
Reading time: 5 minutes

Home automation enters the home to offer us greater comfort in our day-to-day lives, for example, in something as routine as raising or lowering the stairs. roller blinds. We explain to you why it is in your interest to make your home a home automation and how to get it.

What is a home automation system?

We have already counted what is home automation another time, so let's get straight to the point. A home automation system is a house in which the integrated technologyThe aim is to work together in an efficient and optimised way.

The word domotics comes from the Latin word domotica, which is formed from the concept "house" and "autonomous" (something that governs itself). Therefore, domotic houses are those that work by themselves.

Home automation makes it possible to easier management of all your resources thanks to various technological systems installed in the home. This automation allows you to manage your security, comfort, communication and energy.

How do home automation systems work at home?

In the houses with home automation technologyThe devices that make up the home automation system use a WiFi network to send and receive data, as well as to connect to the user. Sensors within the array collect sensitive information and, based on this information, the central unit decides what actions to take.

The terminals are shutters and roller blinds, domestic appliances, points of lighting, equipment for air conditioning and ventilation... In short, any equipment that can be equipped with communication intelligence with the central programmable system.

There are three types of architecture in a home automation system:

Centralised architectureBy means of the various sensors, processing the commands and issuing them to the actuators, a central controller (or brain) will control the installation.
Distributed architectureAs there is no processing centre, all the intelligence of the system is distributed among the different actuators and sensors.
Mixed architectureThis architecture is mainly decentralised, as it has several small devices that capture information from different sensors and then transmit it to devices that are distributed over the network.

Elements of the system

Below, we show you the parts that make up home automation systems:

  • Brain of the system. It may or may not have a touch screen to control all actions. It is configured using the manufacturer's mobile app.
  • Camera and alarm. To know what is going on in the house.
  • Electricity consumption monitor. Controls electricity consumption.
  • Motion sensor. Manage access for people, as well as save electricity by switching lights on and off.
  • Chronothermostat. Depending on your needs, you can programme the energy consumption of the boiler.
  • Opening sensors. They are installed on doors and windows. They alert to the arrival of intruders.
  • Smart plug. Manages the switching on, switching off, programming or consumption of any electrical appliance.

In other words, home automation systems can be adapted to the needs of the house. It should be noted that these devices are very small and easy to install. So you can "add" to the system progressively.

man using tablet

Things to bear in mind when building your home automation system

If you are wondering how to make your house domotic, you have to take into consideration several issues:

  • Choose in advance which level of domotisation you want for your home.
  • To have a home automation system that is easy to use.
  • Own WiFi connection quality.
  • To have consumption metersThe cost of the expenditure can be known at all times.
  • Etc.

We also recommend that home automation systems in the home are modulars. In this way, you will be able to add installations according to the demands of your home.

Advantages of homes with home automation technology

But... What are the benefits of home automation technology in the home?

  • Energy saving: home automation offers efficient management of the entire home. It makes it possible to programme air conditioning and boilers, control awnings and blinds, rationalise electrical loads, disconnect electrical appliances according to consumption.
  • Comfort: a home with this kind of technology is more comfortable. You forget to do certain tasks yourself.
  • Security: in all respects. It helps to prevent accidents caused by fire, gas or water. It also prevents intruders from entering the house.
  • Communications: tele-assistance, remote maintenance, consumption and cost reports, alarm transmission and notification of warnings, etc.
  • Remote managementHome automation allows you to control your home, whether you are inside or thousands of kilometres away.
  • AccessibilityOne of the great benefits of home automation refers to accessibility, especially in relation to people with functional limitations, favouring their personal autonomy and improving their quality of life and safety. Some of the useful services are the remote surveillance of inaccessible places, the transmission of information about the user's condition to relatives or carers and the broadcasting of emergency messages.

Home automation and energy efficiency

smart home drawing

According to the IDAEThe energy consumption of Spanish households represents 30% of the total energy consumption in Spain, where 18% corresponds to the domestic sphere.

Each household generates up to 5 tonnes of CO2 per year.

In this sense, home automation helps, among other things, to achieving the highest possible energy efficiency.

For example, it is estimated that having a home automation system to manage the lighting and temperature in a 20 m2 room would result in energy savings of 25%.

Consumption monitoring

Through the systems of consumption monitoringIf you have a home energy consumption, you can find out the energy consumption of your home, which will help you to modify your habits according to your needs.

On the other hand, if your home has photovoltaic (or similar) solar energy generation systems, you can use home automation to motorise the production of electricity.

How to make your home domotic?

Home automation is becoming a more affordable and feasible option, since you can install a smart system no building work and no wiring. If you want to build a home automation system, you can get information and look for professionals at CEDOM, the Spanish Association of Home and Building Automation. This organisation brings together all the agents in the sector: manufacturers, integrators, engineers, architects...

But if you prefer to start step by step on your own, this is also possible. For example, you can install motors and automatisms for roller blinds without much complication.

What you need to do is to find products and devices with the smart" or "intelligent" label"They have to be connected to the WiFi network at home in order to work.

Home automation ecosystems: Which virtual assistant should I choose?

To control and automate a smart home more conveniently, it is advisable to have a home automation ecosystem:

  • Amazon Alexa. You would need to purchase an Amazon speaker and then add the devices compatible with Amazon Alexa (labelled "Works with Amazon Alexa").
  • Apple HomeKit. If you have an iOS phone, you can set up, control and pair your smart devices using HomeKit and Siri Assistant.
  • Google Home and Chromecast. From a single app, you can manage speakers, lights and other compatible equipment.
  • Samsung SmartThings. For monitoring and managing smart devices, speakers, TV sets, home appliances, etc. Labelled "SmartThings".
  • Xiaomi Mi Home. Using the Mi Home app, available on both Android and iOS.

Now you know which home automation system to install in your home.

How much does it cost to make your house home automation?

The cost of installing a home automation system at home will depend on the level of equipment you are looking for and the size of your home. As a general rule, the starting price is between 1,500 and 2,000 euros (not including installation). It usually pays for itself in four years.

The energy savings (around 25%) should be taken into account.


After reading this text, you can say that you know what a domotic house is, what advantages it has and how to achieve it. Control your blinds with home automationyour home will be more comfortable and efficient.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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