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Types of mosquitoes in Spain

Last updated:
10 April, 2024
Reading time: 4 minutes

In Spain, the diversity of mosquitoes goes beyond what many imagine, each one with unique characteristics and, in some cases, disease carriers that affect humans and animals. From the ubiquitous Culex to the invasive Aedes albopictus, learning about the types of mosquitoes is the first step to protecting ourselves effectively. In this post we delve into the world of these insects, revealing how to identify them and trying to understand their impact on our environment.

What are mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are flying insects belonging to the family Culicidae, known primarily for their ability to bite and feed on the blood of humans and other animals. However, this act of feeding is exclusive to females, who need blood proteins to develop their eggs.

Mosquitoes are important in ecosystems, acting as pollinators and as source of food for numerous species. Despite their diminutive size, mosquitoes have a significant impact on human health, being vectors of deadly diseases. Its presence is global, adapting to diverse environments, from tropical rainforests to urban areas. In this post we tell you 9 places where mosquitoes tend to hide.

Main types of mosquitoes in our environment

Let's take a look at the main types of mosquitoes present in our environment, highlighting their unique characteristics and the impact they have on the health and well-being of communities across Spain.

Aedes aegyptiThe transmitter of dengue fever

The Aedes aegypti is easily distinguished by the white markings on its legs and body. Originally from Africa, this mosquito has spread to many parts of the world, fuelled by global trade and climate change. It is the main vector of the dengueThe disease can be life-threatening in its most severe forms.

mosquito cor white markings

This mosquito prefers to lay its eggs in containers of standing water near inhabited areas. Biting is most common during the day, especially at dawn and dusk.

Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus)

The Aedes albopictusknown as tiger mosquitois recognised for its black body with white stripes. Although it is a less efficient vector of dengue fever than the Aedes aegyptiThe aggressive nature of the virus and the range of diseases it can transmit, such as the Zika and the chikungunyaThe lack of a clear and comprehensive approach to the issue makes it a growing concern.

Adaptive and resilient, the tiger mosquito has rapidly colonised new territories. Prefers temperate climates and is able to reproduce in a variety of artificial containers.

Culex: The common mosquito

The Culex, or common mosquito, is one of the most common mosquitoes in Spain. Although less mediatic than the Aedes aegypti or tiger mosquito, the Culex has the ability to transmit diseases such as West Nile fever.

It adapts easily to different environments and its larvae develop in stagnant water, from puddles to cisterns. Peak activity occurs from dusk till dawnpreferring to prey on birds, although it doesn't frown on humans.

Anopheles: Carrier of malaria

The Anopheles is infamous for its role in the transmission of the malariaa disease that affects millions of people every year. This mosquito is identified by its resting posture, with its abdomen pointing upwards at an angle.

It prefers clean water for egg-laying, and is most active at night. Although malaria is not endemic in Spain, the Anopheles is still being studied for its potential to reintroduce the disease.

Mosquito-borne diseases

Mosquitoes are vectors of some of the world's most devastating diseases. Through their bites, can transmit viruses and parasites from person to personcausing outbreaks and epidemics that affect millions of people every year.


Dengue is an acute febrile illness, characterised by fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, and skin rash. The disease can progress to more severe forms, such as dengue haemorrhagic fever, which can be fatal. There is no specific treatment for dengue, only supportive measures to relieve symptoms.

Yellow fever

Yellow fever is an acute viral disease, mainly transmitted by mosquitoes. Aedes. It is characterised by fever, jaundice, haemorrhage and, in severe cases, organ failure. Vaccination is the most effective means of prevention and is recommended for people living in or travelling to endemic areas.

child with fever with a thermometer

Zika: An emerging threat

The Zika virus has become a global concern due to its rapid spread and its link to serious birth defects, including microcephaly in babies born to infected mothers. Symptoms are usually mild and include fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis and muscle pain

Innovations in mosquito control

The fight against mosquitoes has led to the creation of innovative strategies that combine technology with proven methods to minimise their impact on public health. These innovations represent a significant advance in mosquito population control and disease prevention:

Use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets

The mosquito nets insecticide-treated insecticides offer a dual function: they act as a physical barrier that prevents mosquitoes from accessing people while they sleep and, at the same time, reduce mosquito populations by killing those who come into contact with the network.

This tool is particularly effective in areas where mosquito-borne diseases are endemic, providing an additional layer of protection in homes and communities.

Biological control

Biological control is based on introduction of natural enemies of mosquitoessuch as fish that feed on the larvae or specific bacteria that infect and kill mosquito larvae. This strategy aims to decrease the mosquito population in a sustainable way, without negatively impacting the environment and other non-target species.

Genetic modification techniques

Genetic modification techniques have allowed for the development of genetically modified mosquitoes that have a reduced ability to reproduce or to transmit diseases. The controlled release of sterile male mosquitoes into the environment is a tactic that aims to effectively decrease the mosquito population.

Improved surveillance and monitoring systems

The implementation of enhanced surveillance and monitoring systems, including the use of mobile applications and online platformsenables communities to report and monitor outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases. In addition, the use of smart traps that capture mosquitoes and collect real-time data helps to quickly identify and act on hotspots of infection.

At Mosquito nets24HWe recognise the importance of innovations in mosquito control and their impact on public health. Through the implementation of advanced strategies and the use of made-to-measure mosquito netsWe are committed to protecting families from insect-borne diseases, ensuring a safer and healthier environment for all.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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