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What is considered a water mosquito?

Last updated:
14 March, 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes
Common mosquito in water

Some types of mosquitoes like to live near people, while others prefer forests or grasslands. But, in general, all mosquitoes like water, because their eggs and larvae live in shallow or stagnant water. For this reason, many mosquitoes are considered to be water mosquito.

Water mosquitoes

They are also called permanent water mosquitoes. These mosquitoes usually lay their eggs in constant or regular bodies of water. They are also the so-called Culicidae family of mosquitoes (cullicidae). They have the particularity that they need the water to lay their eggs and developas the larvae are aquatic insects.

Some of the specimens in this group are the well-known common mosquito, mosquito, mosquito, mosquito and mosquitoes. Anophelestiger mosquito and the aedes aegyti.

But not all are adapted to the same conditionsnor all of them mosquitoes hide Some prefer clean water, while others look for nutrient-rich stagnant water. Or they may prefer to lay their eggs on the shores of lakes and ponds or among marshes and swamps, as well as containers in accumulated water from rainfall.

Gender cullex would be of the type that use water to lay their eggs and can transmit viruses that cause very serious diseases such as West Nile virus, St Louis encephalitis or yellow fever.

But, in order to understand why they are considered water mosquitoes, let's talk about the stages of the life cycle of these insects, where water is the most important resource for their survival.

Life cycle stages of mosquitoes

Here we will comment on the mosquito life cycles from the time their eggs are laid until the pupae are opened to give rise to another new mosquito.


  • Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on the inner walls of water containers, in ponds or on standing water surfaces.
  • Eggs are attached to the walls of containers or rocks (or other items) tightly so that they do not get swept away by any movement of the water. They can survive without being in water for up to 8 months and, in parts of the United States, can extend their life even through the winter.
  • Mosquitoes only need a small amount of water to lay their eggs. They can even lay their eggs in areas such as cups, bowls, drinking fountains, tyres, pots and so on. Any container with water becomes a suitable "nest".


  • The larvae live in water as soon as they hatch. This process takes place when the eggs are covered by water as the water moistens the egg and aids hatching.
  • The larvae are easily distinguishable in water and are very active, so they are sometimes referred to as "jumpers".


  • The pupae also live in water. The adult mosquitoes emerge from the pupa and fly to other places to start the cycle again.


  • Adult female mosquitoes bite people and animals. They need this blood in order to lay their eggs.
  • After feeding, they will head towards an environment where there is water to lay their eggs.

As you can see, many mosquito specimens choose wet or watery places to lay their eggs, as their larvae are aquatic and water is an indispensable element for their survival.

The mosquitoes we are most familiar with (Cullex family) usually have this life cycle and are considered to be water mosquitoes because of its dependence on this element.

Don't forget, though, that a very simple way to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home is by installing made-to-measure mosquito nets.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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