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How to remove a hornet's nest in the blind

Last updated:
28 February, 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes

Summer is one of the most awaited times of the year, as we finally get a bit of warmth after the low temperatures; however, sometimes this heat is unbearable, and this is the characteristic of summer that most people are looking forward to. insects like it.

Removing a single wasp is not very difficult, but when it is a hornet's nest, it is necessary to take the necessary measures to avoid the risks of being bitten. This article will guide you on how to get rid of them in one of their favourite hiding places: blinds.

Dangers of wasp stings

It is likely that you are aware that you are allergic to a medicine or food, because at some point when you consumed such products the reactions were treated. In the case of wasp stings, there is a very high number of the population that they are allergic to, but they don't know it.

In itself, bee stings are one of the most painful of all insects, now imagine if you were allergic to them, the consequences are doubled.

After the wasp inserts its stinger into the skin, the area becomes swollen and red, creating a swollen area. In addition, if allergy is present, the following will develop hives, dizziness and shortness of breath. In this type of reaction, the best thing to do is to consult a medical specialist.

Precautions before removing a wasp nest

If you have discovered that you have a wasp nest in your home, it is best to find out more about it, to avoid unwanted consequences and to prevent the spread of wasps. you will be better prepared to deal with the situation.

  • If there are children in the house, it is best to withdraw as much as possible.
  • It draws up a action plan before acting.
  • Always take into consideration escape routes.
  • Choose suitable chemicals to eliminate wasps.
  • The best part of the day to act is in the evening, since the activity of these insects decreases.
  • Use clothing that covers all areas of your body.
  • Light: this usually annoys the wasps and makes them more "angry", so avoid torches.

Is it dangerous to remove a hornet's nest from a blind?

Home-made methods

Here we explain the most relevant ones:

With smoke

  1. To start applying this process, we must wait until it gets dark; in this way, the wasps will decrease their activity and they will become less aggressive.
  2. Find a metal container and place car oil or a product with similar characteristics in it with a rag. Then start a flame that envelops the rag, and a black smoke will immediately emerge. with a rather strong smell.
  3. Place the metal container near the wasp's nesting place, they will quickly pick up the smoke. Get out quickly.
  4. Observe how quickly they will fly away and it is here that with a long, thin object you can eject the hornet's nest at an angle. long distance.

With insecticide

There are several special insecticides for this type of situation that can take care of the elimination of these insects. There are diffusers that expel the insecticide at a distance of four metres, so it is useful for avoid being stung by a wasp.

As already mentioned in the article, the best time to execute these methods is at at night.

Risks of removing a hornet's nest from a blind

It all depends on where the wasps have chosen to build their nest in the shutter, for example, if it is in the box of the structure increases the difficulty of their removalThe reason for this is that a disassembly process must be carried out, which makes the wasp sting more likely.

Of course, all of this has its negative consequences, but by calling in an expert pest control service you can put the matter in the hands of experts and save yourself a scare that can affect your health.

Hornet's nest in shutter

Our recommendation: hire a professional

The professionals working in this field are aware of the dangers The work they do is part and parcel of their job. They are thus prepared to deal with small, enclosed spaces; they are also equipped with special equipment to improve the precaution against being stung.

Of course, the staff working in these companies use the most modern equipment and the most advanced modern, special and effective, thus achieving eradicate any wasps that is within the spaces of your home. In addition, they have special permits and licences for the use of these devices and chemicals.

Tips on how to prevent a wasp nest from forming

  • The more hygiene If you have them in your home, the more difficult it is for these insects to reproduce and find space to breed. Pay special attention to places such as attics, which are narrow spaces with a high risk of contamination.
  • The installation of mosquito nets will be an effective and quick solution thanks to its benefits to filter out not only insects, but also to prevent the entry of dust - double advantage!
  • Sugary drinks are attractive to wasps, place them in potential areas of risk and use them as traps.

At Systems24H you can get the group of experts to make this extermination a reality, so that you can recover your peace of mind and that of your loved ones.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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