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Roller mosquito net: how to install it, step by step

Last updated:
13 July, 2023
Reading time: 2 minutes

The roll-up wire cloth are very useful to protect areas of your home that are prone to insects, it is a product that can be used to protect your home. quality and quite useful that will help you maintain comfort in your home and keep you safe..

Each such element usually comes with a installation method or guide (it also depends on the site where you made your purchase) explained as simply as possible and of course it is recommended that you follow it. However, we will give you some general guidance in case you are not satisfied with it or do not understand it very well.

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You will then know how to install aluminium roller shutters step by step Don't miss it!

1. Take action

There are many companies that sell made-to-measure mosquito nets, however, even if you have already made an order, you can still get the mosquito net. calculation of aperture lengths before making your purchase, it is advisable that you take again the measurements of the space where you will install this metal structure, help you with tape measure.

Measure the dimensions in length and width and always uses space as a reference, so that you will avoid misplacement and a probable total loss of your mosquito net. Believe it or not, this is the most important step. There is a lot of variety in roller mosquito nets, avoid confusing sizes!

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2. Clean the area

The advantage of roll-up mosquito nets is that they take up very little space and are easy to install; however, it is advisable to clean the area where it will be placed, especially so that you can work on your installation with peace of mind and comfort.

Once it is completely clean, look at your roller screen and before cutting, unscrew the head cover and the accessories so that only the profile with the roll and the shaft remain. At this point, cuts the length of difference of the mosquito net mesh with the space where you are going to place it.

We recommend that you use a drill to make three openings in the guides, at the top, in the middle and at the bottom. will help you to fix the guide and, consequently, the mosquito net.

3. Fixing the mosquito net

After drilling the holes that will serve as your guide for fixing the mosquito net to the wall, place the head on the wall and mark the holes with a pencil so you know where you will have to drill the wall. When you have finished, you can start to drilling directly on the surface.

Start screwing from the head caps. Place the hidden brake of the guides and then proceed to adjust them and that's it! All you have to do is to conclude by screwing the wall guides where you had drilled before.

Tips for installing a mosquito net

To conclude, it is important that you read these little tips we will give you for placement Correct of the mosquito net. These tips are essential, and although they may seem logical, there are people who may forget or ignore them in the midst of so many things.

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  • Installation is a process that starts even before you buy your screen. This is because if you have no idea what type of mosquito net is right for what you are looking for, it is best to consult with a knowledgeable sales agent.
  • The specialised shops in the manufacture of this type of structures are the best option when buying your mosquito net.
  • If it is in your possibilities to have a rodYou can use it to adjust the lower part of the mosquito net.. This will help to prevent this element from climbing up and will help to prevent it from being stretched, so that there will not be any openings for insects to enter.
  • Use adhesive for temporary mosquito nets only.
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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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