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What is Home Automation for Hotels and what are its benefits?

Last updated:
14 March, 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes

We have already explained the advantages and disadvantages of home automation in our blog. But, perhaps, it has not been clear that its benefits can go beyond the home. And the fact is that the hospitality industry is betting on this kind of technology to ensure comfort for its customers and efficiency in their work. Today we talk about the home automation for hotelsFind out what a domotic hotel is below!

What is a domotic hotel?

The domotised hotels (also known as smart) are characterised by the control, security and energy savings they offer to their users. Their integrated automation systems provide many benefits in terms of business management and, at the same time, improve the stay of hotel guests.

"The set of systems that automate the different installations in a home".

Definition of domotics by the RAE.

Benefits of home automation for hotels

The advantages of home automation for hotels include:

  • Automation and centralised controlThe control of multiple sensors and actuators in a simple, remote and fast way. For example, doors, shutters, windows, PVC and aluminium curtainsetc.
  • Audio and video managementin the rooms or in the different rooms of the buildings, using smartphones and tablets.
  • Air conditioningsensors will find out the atmospheric conditions and the temperature of the hotel will be regulated automatically.
  • Alarms and video surveillance camerasThe following is an example: remote, real-time access to these surveillance systems via the internet connection.
  • Fire and leakage controlmanaging the parameters of the sensors and control units.

It should also include the user experience among its benefits. By being able to communicate with employees, the hotel will make up for the lack of human resources by making guests feel much more accompanied. This is a good thing, as it builds customer loyalty, making them recommend us and increasing business performance.

What are the most commonly used home automation systems in hotels?

There are several examples of home automation in hotels:

  • Lighting systems.
  • Controls on roller blinds and awnings.
  • Climate sensors and actuators.
  • Consumption monitoring systems.
  • Alarm and access security equipment.
  • Communications interfaces.
  • Irrigation temperature and humidity sensors.
  • Access control system.
  • Audiovisual control devices.

In other words, in a domotised hotel, you will be able to enjoy the creation of personalised scenes and ambiences, continuous regulation of natural light, voice control, consumption monitoring, professional in-room cinema systems, etc.

Situation in Spain with domotics in hotels

But... Why is it fashionable for the home automation for hotels? Despite the country's economy, tourism in Spain continues to grow. Consequently, a hotel wishing to operate in such a competitive context would have to adapt important quality standards in the field of domotics. Comfort and energy savings are some of the objectives of this sector.

Do I have to renovate or build from scratch?

No need to build from scratch a hotel to implement home automation. It is possible to complete the system little by little.

Is home automation only for luxury hotels?

Not at all! Regardless of the type of structure, size or number of stars of the hotel, automating access, implementing energy saving policies and controlling systems remotely offers significant and immediate advantages. It also allows a return on investment in just a few years.


Now you know the functions of home automation in hotels. As you can see, its improvements in terms of management and comfort are more than obvious, which is why it is said to represent the future of this sector.

If this topic is of interest to you, you can find more information by reading this work on the domotisation of a hotel room.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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