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When did domotics appear: History and development up to the present day?

Last updated:
14 March, 2024
Reading time: 4 minutes

This is not the first time we have talked about home automation. You are probably already well aware of the advantages, for example, of installing motors and automatisms for roller blinds. But how did we get to this point? Its applications and benefits almost seem like a thing of the future, so.... When did home automation appear? In this post, we will detail its history and evolution, as well as where this technology seems to be heading.

History and evolution of home automation

Today, the applications of this technology are many. From a motorised roller shutter or a smart TV to a whole home automation. However, the origins of home automation are rather humble. In the following, we will describe how it came into being and how it has developed over the last century.

When did the first household appliances appear?

The first time machines began to do chores in the home was at the beginning of the 20th century. And the fact is that, in 1903 the first household appliances arrived.

To be honest, by the end of the 19th century, there were already machines that could do certain everyday jobs. However, they were scarce, cumbersome and fuel-powered. Therefore, they were either intended for industrial use or were used in the homes of the great bourgeoisie or nobility.

This is why the appearance of household appliances was such a revolution. They were much more affordable and manageable. In addition, they run on electricity.

Chronology of the first household appliances

Let's talk about the first ones examples of home automation in the world:

person ironing clothes
  • 1903: the light electric clothes iron.
    • Until then, heavy iron plates were used, which were filled with boiling water (although they were also heated by other means). This development made people's daily lives easier, as it saved them a lot of time.
  • 1907: the electric hoover replaced the motor-driven hoover. Although not everyone could afford it, it laid the foundation for modern cleaning.
    • In 1901, the first hoover was created.
  • 1909: the electric toaster.
    • Its invention meant leaving the fires behind for such an everyday task as making breakfast.
  • 1913: the domestic electric refrigerator and dishwasher.
    • In the past, caves or cavities were used to "refrigerate" food.
  • 1927: domestic shredders for drainage.
  • 1930: In this decade, the first washing machine appeared. A single device for cleaning, rinsing and spinning clothes.
    • A real revolution on a grand scale, as washing clothes had always been hard work, time-consuming and labour-intensive.
  • 1935: the first domestic tumble dryers.
  • 1951: the electric coffee machine.
  • 1950: Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce manufacture the computer chip.
  • 1951: the first commercially available computer (UNIVAC I) appears on the market.
  • 1964: the Uniscope 300, one of the first computer monitors, goes on sale.

Having seen how technology evolved during the early and mid-20th century, let's move on to home automation itself.

When did home automation or the first smart homes appear?

We could say that it is in 1966 when home automation appeared. In this year, the first device capable of managing several household tasks on its own was launched for sale:

  • What is it? Well, none other than the ECHO IVa computer with the dimensions of a room.
  • What could it control? The TV, the temperature of the house or the alarm clock, among other examples.

However, it was very cumbersome (given its large size and difficulty of use), so it did not succeed. Although it was a "failed attempt", it was very memorable, as it was a technology way ahead of its time. So he implemented the basics of today's home automation.

The forerunner of the Internet is born. DARPA introduces ARPAnet (the first ever network).The forerunner of modern wireless technology is created.Home automation is spreading.Ad van Berlo is a pioneer in the field of gerontechnology, which helps the elderly and infirm.
router wiring

Home automation and the Internet boom

In the 1990sIn the last few years, services such as telecare, linked to remote switchboards, have become popular. This type of service experienced its heyday with the rise of the Internet in 1998. The Internet helped to improve them considerably.

Since then, household appliances have been adapting to the Internet of Things (IoT), with remote functions (either predetermined or modifiable). One example is the motorised blinds with home automationwhich open or close depending on the time of day.

The advent of the first smartphone and home automation today

While the Internet revolutionised the world in 1998, the smartphones revolutionised the Internet in 2007. Since their emergence that year, all the services of everyday life have developed around the benefits of smart devices.

What is the near future of home automation and domestic appliances?

Time will tell, but experts point to their democratisation in the near future: smart beds, home automation shower trays, 3D printersetc.

Who invented home automation?

Having more or less seen the origin of home automation, it is worth mentioning who is considered its father. Perhaps you didn't know it, but this title is attributed to Nikola Teslawho, in 1898, produced the first remote control for the purpose of controlling a toy boat.

The contributions of home automation

The emergence of home automation has brought great benefits to mankind: boosting energy savings, monitoring our consumption, improving accessibility for people with difficulties, providing greater security in the home, etc. All you need to do is find out about the functions of home automation to see it.

Standard Protocols

In 1975, the first protocol for home automation was created, the X10. It used electrical wiring to transmit information.

However, there have been international standards for home automation ever since. Among them, the KNX. This protocol was created by three associations (EIBA, BatiBUS and EHSA) with the aim of establishing a single European standard for home and office automation. Its aim is to compete in terms of quality, performance and price with other American systems such as LonWorks or CEBus.


Now you know when did domotics appear?You have learned how it has evolved to the present day and what its future applications seem to be. You have also learned who its creator is and what its main protocols are.

There is no doubt that the advance of technology has been dramatic in the last century. We have gone from storing food in cavities to keep it in good condition to lowering our food storage capacities to the point where we are now able to store our roller blinds Don't you find that fascinating?

We hope you have enjoyed reading this post about the origin of home automation See you in the next article!

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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