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The blinds are thin length curtains which extend vertically and which are used to achieve to shade incoming light in any space in your home so that it does not become a nuisance for you and your loved ones.

With this type of fabric you will be able to achieve a perfect lighting and suitable for any area where you take the initiative to install it. Here you will learn a little more about this object, read on!
Whether you want to place them in your kitchen, living room, bedroom or office, these types of structures come in a number of different types that you can use to make your kitchen, living room, bedroom or office more attractive. test your creativity for a creative decoration as a result.
Roller screen
This blind is one of the most in-demand on the market and this is thanks to its modern image with state-of-the-art features, it is very useful if you want to have a more moderate control of the light input.

In terms of its cleaning and maintenance, These are neither expensive nor cumbersome and you can make them yourself, which is a great advantage compared to other structures.

It has a sunscreen called screen, and which results in a visually opaque environmentwith a wide range of colours.
Opaque roller shutters
If what you require is a space with privacy at its best, it is this type of element that you are looking for. Thanks to its technology black outThis type of fabric is capable of completely preventing the passage of light.

In addition to protecting from heat and the sun's raysThe use of the ceiling, with no visibility from the outside and inside, is often used in educational institutions, medical centres or auditoriums.
Translucent roller shutters
This type of blind, on the other hand, allows light to enter; however, it is impossible to discern the view from indoors or outdoors. Thanks to this type of blind, it will be possible to save energy and you can buy it at an affordable price. unbeatable price.

Now that you know the types of blinds Which would you say is your favourite?

Read more

How to fix a blind

When we least expect it and just when we most need to lower the blind in the dining room, bedroom or other room, it suddenly gets stuck and does not allow us to regulate the light that enters the space. Blinds are usually very easy to fix, although it all depends on the model we have. And here we are going to [...]
29 August, 2022
6 minutes
1 minute

Automatic vertical blinds

Simplicity, comfort and design, these are the automatic vertical blinds, which can be opened or closed at the touch of a button. Don't miss out and enjoy excellent comfort at home, in your office, in commercial premises, among others. We offer you the facility to move large curtains of any material in any space. Characteristics: [...]
2 minutes

Aluminium vertical blinds: features and advantages

The material of these curtains allows them to be quite resistant to external agents, which translates into quality and durability over time. These aluminium curtains are one of the most requested curtains in the market due to their functionality and aesthetics. The curtains are available in a wide range of colours, [...]
2 minutes

Insect screens for windows: design, innovation and protection?

Super simple in style, functional, durable and easy to install, insect screens are a viable option when it comes to keeping insects out of your home without sacrificing the fresh air outside. It is a simple model made of a washable fabric that is easy to clean and is easy to install.
4 minutes

Flyscreen curtains

Has it ever happened to you that you are relaxing at home and suddenly an uncomfortable fly appears and doesn't want to leave your home? If so, you might be interested to know the uses, advantages and characteristics of fly curtains. Flies are really annoying insects as well as being unhygienic, which is why fly curtains are so popular.
5 minutes

Conoce las partes de una mosquitera

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo se compone una mosquitera? Estas prácticas herramientas protegen tu hogar de insectos y también mejoran la calidad del aire interior. Desde el marco hasta la tela, cada componente juega un papel importante en su funcionalidad. En este artículo vamos a desglosar todas las partes de una mosquitera para que […]
2 minutes

Sliding mosquito nets for pets

Las mascotas son las mejores amigas del hombre y por eso cuidarlas es tan importante. Las mosquiteras correderas para mascotas están fabricadas con los materiales más resistentes, que garantizarán que tu acompañante se mantenga en casa sin ningún peligro. Estas vienen pensadas para tu perro o gato que, como tú, necesitan protegerse de los insectos. Materiales […]
2 minutes

Fixed pet mosquito net

¿Te preocupa que algún insecto pique a tu mascota? ¿o quizás te angustie pensar en que se pueda perder por dejarte una puerta o ventana al exterior abierta? Por ello, las mosquiteras fijas para mascotas están diseñadas y elaboradas cumpliendo dos objetivos fundamentales: Mantener los espacios en tu hogar libres de mosquitos o cualquier otro […]
2 minutes

Children's mosquito nets

No es un secreto que las mosquiteras son muy prácticas en los meses de verano, sobre todo para evitar los mosquitos. Con las mosquiteras se cuida a los más pequeños de casa de las picaduras de insectos voladores o de otros animales que salen con el calor. Así, los padres podrán estar más tranquilos sabiendo […]
See our range of Blinds
Our selection of articles
4 minutes

What are thermal blinds?

It's getting hotter every summer, isn't it? That's why we've been thinking like crazy about ways of coping with the heat. A good option are thermal blinds, and not just for the hottest months! Thanks to their insulating properties, they provide relief when temperatures are very high and keep you warm when it's cold. Come on, [...]
3 minutes

Blinds for glass curtains

Glass curtain-like enclosures are a breakthrough in many homes. These enclosures protect terraces providing security, style and design. It is a very functional way of enclosing balconies and terraces, protecting these areas from heat and cold, at the same time as providing a luminous atmosphere. They have an easy opening mechanism, [...]
31 January, 2022
3 minutes

At what height the curtains are set

Siempre pensamos que, al colocar una cortina en una ventana estándar o rectangular es una tarea muy sencilla. Y, por lo general, primero pensamos en cómo instalarlas antes siquiera de pensar si nos va a quedar bien o no una vez finalizado el trabajo. En muchas ocasiones, las ponemos mal y por eso perdemos cantidad […]
31 December, 2021
3 minutes

How to attach the cords of a blind

Con el paso del tiempo es inevitable que los estores terminan desgastándose, ya se las lamas o tela o, bien, las cuerdas. La parte que más suele estropearse es la cuerda o la cadena, puesto que se tocan más y no están fabricados en materiales muy duraderos en el tiempo. En estos casos, interesante saber […]
30 December, 2021
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