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The blinds are thin length curtains which extend vertically and which are used to achieve to shade incoming light in any space in your home so that it does not become a nuisance for you and your loved ones.

With this type of fabric you will be able to achieve a perfect lighting and suitable for any area where you take the initiative to install it. Here you will learn a little more about this object, read on!
Whether you want to place them in your kitchen, living room, bedroom or office, these types of structures come in a number of different types that you can use to make your kitchen, living room, bedroom or office more attractive. test your creativity for a creative decoration as a result.
Roller screen
This blind is one of the most in-demand on the market and this is thanks to its modern image with state-of-the-art features, it is very useful if you want to have a more moderate control of the light input.

In terms of its cleaning and maintenance, These are neither expensive nor cumbersome and you can make them yourself, which is a great advantage compared to other structures.

It has a sunscreen called screen, and which results in a visually opaque environmentwith a wide range of colours.
Opaque roller shutters
If what you require is a space with privacy at its best, it is this type of element that you are looking for. Thanks to its technology black outThis type of fabric is capable of completely preventing the passage of light.

In addition to protecting from heat and the sun's raysThe use of the ceiling, with no visibility from the outside and inside, is often used in educational institutions, medical centres or auditoriums.
Translucent roller shutters
This type of blind, on the other hand, allows light to enter; however, it is impossible to discern the view from indoors or outdoors. Thanks to this type of blind, it will be possible to save energy and you can buy it at an affordable price. unbeatable price.

Now that you know the types of blinds Which would you say is your favourite?

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Roller blind does not brake: How do I fix it?

Your roller blind does not brake? In this post, we tell you how to change the brake stops to adjust the raising and lowering of the fabric. Screen roller blinds are probably the most modern and practical type of curtain. They are ideal for regulating the light in rooms. However, they can sometimes be [...]
22 August, 2022
3 minutes
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Vertical fabric curtains: functionality and versatility for your windows

Optar por lo tradicional también es una opción. Las cortinas verticales de tela son sencillas, pero también sofisticadas y  cuentan con la facilidad de escoger los diseños, estampados, tipos de tela y colores. Las cortinas verticales de tela ofrecen la simplicidad de su instalación sin tener mucho problema al momento de realizarla. Hoy en día, […]
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Insect screens for windows: design, innovation and protection?

Super simple in style, functional, durable and easy to install, insect screens are a viable option when it comes to keeping insects out of your home without sacrificing the fresh air outside. It is a simple model made of a washable fabric that is easy to clean and is easy to install.
6 minutes

Insect screens for caravans

¿Te gusta viajar y, al mismo tiempo, disfrutar de la naturaleza? Las caravanas son uno de los vehículos más demandados en los últimos años, ya que te permiten descubrir lugares únicos y dormir en sitios insospechados que nunca olvidarás; eso sí, es fundamental que cuentes con las mejores mosquiteras para caravanas. Los insectos son muy […]
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Catnets - how to protect cats from accidental falls

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Automatic venetian blinds: technological developments

Tired of looking for blinds that fit your pocket and the aesthetics of your home? Here we will tell you about all the advantages and benefits you will get by choosing automatic venetian blinds. These will not only provide you with the traditional advantages, they will also offer you more convenience and comfort than you can imagine. Advantages of automatic venetian blinds [...]
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External venetian blinds

Venetian blinds are an excellent option to cover your windows and protect your privacy. This element not only fulfils an aesthetic function, it is also very functional and its use will bring you multiple advantages. Are you looking for blinds? You don't need to keep on doing so. At Sistemas 24H we offer you the best options for outdoor venetian blinds [...]
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Roller blinds: versatility and usefulness

Wooden roller blinds are a simple, practical and very useful product. These blinds do not have cords, so they are often used to decorate spaces such as walls or ceilings. The rolls can come in various materials, there are wooden or plastic presentations, so you have options [...]
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Mechanisms and spare parts: how to optimise the lifespan of your accessories

Para los dueños de cortinas y persianas, siempre es complicado conseguir los mecanismos y repuestos adecuados al modelo que tienen en su local. A veces, las compañías fabricantes se exceden con los precios y los dueños se resignan a comprar un nuevo producto porque, según el presupuesto ofrecido, es mucho más económico. Si estás buscando […]
See our range of Blinds
Our selection of articles
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How to install roller blinds

Roller blinds are made from a single piece, which makes them very easy to install. Here we explain how easy it is to measure and then install a roller blind. Steps to follow to install the blind Here are the steps to follow to install a roller blind in your home. STEP 1: WHAT DO YOU NEED TO [...]
24 December, 2021
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Blinds Ikea vs Blinds Sistemas24h

Los estores son un tipo de cortina fina de una sola pieza con un sistema para que se desplieguen verticalmente. Al contrario de las cortinas que impiden la entrada de luz, los estores la tamizan para así regular la entrada de luz en el hogar.  Hay gran variedad de estores en el mercado, ¿cómo saber […]
15 December, 2021
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How to fit blinds step by step

¿Quieres instalar un estor en las ventanas de tu dormitorio, salón o cocina? Estos productos son ideales porque te permiten regular la entrada de luz y, al mismo tiempo, son una gran alternativa decorativa que da un toque elegante y moderno a tu vivienda; por eso, en este post te mostramos cómo colocar estores paso […]
20 November, 2020
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Accessories for your vertical curtain

La cortina vertical es uno de los elementos más importantes en la decoración de tus espacios. Pero con el paso del tiempo puede hacerse monótona o sufrir daños que afecten su apariencia, por lo que puedes desear cambiarla. Pero, si deseas dar un cambio a tus ambientes a bajo coste, sólo es necesario cambiar o […]
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Online Trust is the leading quality seal for the internet in Spain. It is a distinctive seal displayed by companies that guarantee maximum transparency, security, and trust when buying and browsing their websites.
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Shipping 24/48h
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