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Home automation for children: Discover its benefits!

Last updated:
14 March, 2024
Reading time: 3 minutes

More and more people are opting for the comfort that comes with making their home automation. However, many families are reluctant to take the plunge because they have children. However, contrary to what it may seem, having children is not a reason against home automation, but rather a reason in favour. Today we tell you about the advantages of home automation. home automation for children.

Benefits of home automation for children

Let's start by talking about the benefits of these systems when there are children at home. The functions of home automation in this case could be summarised in three main advantages:


Home automation is a great help if you need to leave your children in the care of others. Through its systems, you can know what's going on in your home just by looking at your mobile phone. In other words, you can have control of your home even when you are away. Install a camera in the bedrooms and you can take care of your children when they sleep, among other examples.


Manage your roller blindsawnings or curtains through home automation. This way, you can guarantee a suitable environment for your children's needs, without having to make any effort.


Home automation can also help you to adjust the different spaces in your home. Controls lights and sound at any time of the day and from anywhere, whether it's time to play a game or watch a movie.

Some ideas you can put into practice with home automation for children

Here are some of them examples of home automation for households with children. As you can see, there are many:

Deactivate sockets

One of the biggest fears of parents is that the sockets will be at children's height, because we all know that they will end up touching or putting objects through their holes. If this worries you, you're in luck, because home automation gives you the option of deactivate sockets in a personalised way. You can do this for a specific period of time, at specific times or permanently for a few months.

Personalised awakening

Home automation for children allows you to schedule wake-up calls in different roomsHow? By setting the alarm clock to go off, without resorting to the annoying sound of an alarm clock. bedroom roller blinds or turning on the room light. You can even add your child's favourite music to make their mornings more pleasant. This way, wake up in a better mood.

Ambient light

One of the major advantages of home automation systems is the room and time zone settingsHow many children have to go to the toilet in the middle of the night or go to the kitchen for water? Instead of waking their parents by turning on all the lights, home automation adapts to their needs. When they get up, the smart home will guide their steps with a low intensity light. This way, they will feel confident without disturbing the family.

Homework help

While home automation can't get your child to do their homework without a fuss, it does provide them with a better environment to concentrate in the studio: switching off devices, increasing the desk light, etc.

Panic button

Smart homes have safety systems for when children are left at home alone: the panic button. This is a push button which, when operated, the household reacts in any way you wish. Either by making a call, lighting the lamps, etc.

Time to sleep

You can programme your TV and other devices to switch off from a certain time. This way, no more fights at bedtime. You can limit this option in your room, during the school days....

Lock pushbuttons

We know, children love to touch everything they see. That's why home automation also makes it possible to lock buttons.

Mute the buzzer

Another option offered by home automation is to silence the doorbell of the house during their sleeping hours. This is a welcome feature if they have trouble falling asleep. You can choose a time when the buzzer be replaced by another warning system. For example, a light or a message on your mobile phone.


Home automation allows you to play lullabies through your home's single-room speakers and control the audio from another location, as well as schedule it to turn off automatically.

Conclusion: home automation for children makes for better coexistence

The trend is clear: homes are becoming increasingly domotic, even those with small children. The aforementioned automations make it possible to increase their comfort and security. That is why the home automation for children is increasingly in demand.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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