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Maintenance of roller shutters, how to care for them to make them last longer?

Last updated:
14 March, 2024
Reading time: 4 minutes

Imagine you are having a family meal and you have all your loved ones around the table; you are going to raise the blinds to take advantage of the sunlight and thus save energy. At that moment you realise that it does not go up and, as you have not carried out the correct maintenance of the blinds, this failure has come at the worst possible moment and you do not know where the problem lies.

The shutters are those elements whose function is to regulating the passage of lightThey can help to control the amount of heat that enters your home. They also help to give the room a unique touch and serve as a decorative element.

In order for the shutters to work perfectly, they need to be properly maintained. For this reason, in this post we are going to show you what you should do to take care of your blinds so that they last longer and offer you a more comfortable greater energy savings.

Correct maintenance of roller shutters

Review of the mechanism

The first thing to check is the shutter mechanismFor example, to see that it goes up and down correctly. If not, you should know how to fix a blind that won't go up and that it stays down.

For a roller shutter to work, the mechanisms inside it must be in perfect condition; for this reason, it is essential that the mechanisms are in perfect working order. periodically check its functioning.

Normally, a annual review is enough to have a correct maintenance of the shutters, even a simple supervision can be enough. The first thing you should know about the rolling elements of a roller shutter, as well as inspecting all the mechanisms in general, is the type of product you have installed.

Even so, if it is a roller shutter the most common is disassemble the trimi.e. the dustpanand check if it is perfectly installed. If it is not, all you have to do is position the belt correctly so that the shutter goes up and down.

It may also happen that, although the belt is correctly aligned, when you remove the trim, you notice that it is damaged. This can cause the shutter to lower incorrectly and, in these cases, you should replace it with a new one. To do this, the first thing to do is to find a new one. tape with the exact measurementsIt is therefore essential that you purchase it in a specialised shop such as Sistemas24H.

Review of the belt for a correct maintenance of the shutters

Once you have your new ribbon, the first thing you should do is to lower the blind completely and remove the cover of the drawer, usually with a simple screwdriver you can remove it. When the lid is open, remove the old one and unbuckle it from the shaft, then lift the shaft into the drawer and knot the new strap.

Review of the guidelines

A roller shutter is a frequently used element of the house, especially in the home. areas with a warmer climate where sunlight is very common. For this reason, these products are very common in our country, even though not so much abroad.

This common use means that, on many occasions, it is often wear out their mechanisms and the roller shutter does not function properly; hence the importance of regular maintenance.

If you have checked the condition of the belt and it is perfectly positioned inside the rail, the most common situation is that the problem is to be found in the guides. Dirt is often one of the main problems with roller shutters.

To solve it, all you need to do is clean the guides and grease themIt is also highly recommended that this action be carried out frequently to avoid this problem appearing at the most inopportune moment.

In addition to the guides, we recommend cleaning the blindsboth inside and out. Being exposed to atmospheric changes, rain or sun, among others, can cause them to become dirty and give your home an undesirable appearance.

It is therefore necessary to know how to clean blindsLikewise, you must cleaning the beltsThe belts, i.e. the belts, for optimal maintenance.

How to access the roller shutter drum

In order to carry out a correct maintenance of the blinds you must observe three sectionsThe belt mechanism, the guides and the drum. We have already seen how to check the first two, but what happens if you analyse them and see that everything is fine? In this case, the problem is most likely to be found in the roller shutter drum.

External roller shutter box

Checking the drum is a very simple action and consists essentially of making sure that there is nothing that could cause damage to the drum. prevent the drum from rotatingThe drum must be checked to ensure that there is no obstacle that would prevent the drum from performing its normal function.

In order to observe the operation of the drum, the first thing to do is to dismantle the box covering itIn this way, you can check its status and, if you see any obstacles, work on them.

On the other hand, it is highly recommended to change the drum from time to timeThe main reason for this change is that this product is one of the basic parts of the blinds, it is what allows them to go up and down. In addition, as it is constantly turning, it wears out more quickly and buying a new one will not involve a high investment, as the cost is very low.

In the case of replace the drum with a new oneThe first thing to look at is whether or not the new model is the same as the one you already had; if it is different, you should buy a new cot that can be adapted to the new product.

In short, maintaining the correct operation and proper maintenance of your roller shutters is essential to enjoy their benefits and prolong their useful life. Through simple actions such as checking the mechanism, cleaning the guides and regular monitoring, you can avoid problems and ensure optimum performance of your roller shutters.

If you are looking for an effective solution to protect your windows from insects and keep your home free of nuisances, the roller shutters for PVC windows are the perfect choice. These insect screens provide an efficient barrier against unwanted insects, allowing in fresh air and natural light without compromising the security and aesthetics of your windows.

As you can see, regular maintenance of roller shutters is something that can be done in the very simple and that can help you to avoid major problems. On the other hand, if you wish to purchase a new shutterAt Sistemas24H we have the widest range of products designed for you.

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Written by: Javier Marquez Barneto


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