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Javier Marquez Barneto

3 minutes

How to measure window to install a sliding insect screen

The sliding mosquito nets stand out for being very comfortable and resistant to the passage of time. Its installation is not very complicated, it only needs, once it is mounted, to be coupled to the guide by making a simple movement and it will be ready for use. Once installed, you will see that you will be able to slide it to both sides guided by the guide [...].
21 February, 2022

How to fix the mosquito net mesh?

If your insect screen has been damaged, it is important that it is repaired or replaced beforehand to prevent insects from gaining access, as well as to avoid giving the impression that your home looks neglected. To prevent both of these things from happening, we are going to explain how to fix the mosquito netting. Repairing it with a screen [...]
18 February, 2022
3 minutes

How to fix an alicantina blind

Las persianas alicantinas son persianas enrollables que funcionan mediante un sistema de cuerda. Y, desde siempre, nos han protegido del exceso de luz y nos ha dado mayor intimidad dentro de nuestro hogar. Pero para poder disfrutar de ellas hemos de saber cómo están colgadas. Por eso, en aquí os vamos a hablar de cómo […]
17 February, 2022
3 minutes

How to fix a Venetian blind?

Normalmente, con el paso del tiempo y el uso, las persianas venecianas tienden a deteriorarse, desgastándose la cinta que las ayuda a abrir y cerrarse o algunas de las lamas que las compone.  Si no sabes cómo arreglar una persiana veneciana, a continuación, te lo vamos a contar. ¿Qué es son las persianas venecianas? Las […]
16 February, 2022

Types of curtain tapes

In the market we can find a wide variety of curtain tapes, from the simplest in design to the most elaborate and sophisticated. The ideal thing is to choose the one that best suits your style and the decoration of your home. And, so that you know more about them and to help you choose, we present you the types of curtains [...]
15 February, 2022
3 minutes

How to fix alicantinas shutters?

Las persianas alicantinas son una modalidad de persiana que, si te has dado cuenta, no pierde funcionalidad ni tampoco pasa de moda. Son un tipo de persiana enrollable cuyo mecanismo es muy sencillo, basado en una cuerda que recoge las lamas en la parte superior. Son decorativas y funcionales, así como tener una fácil instalación […]
14 February, 2022
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Online Trust is the leading quality seal for the internet in Spain. It is a distinctive seal displayed by companies that guarantee maximum transparency, security, and trust when buying and browsing their websites.
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Shipping 24/48h
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