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Javier Marquez Barneto

How to convert normal roller shutter to automatic

Would you like to convert a normal roller shutter into an automatic one? You've heard about the many benefits of motorised models. In this post, we tell you what steps to take to achieve this goal. We also explain the advantages of installing an electric shutter, in case you don't know them yet. The [...]
21 July, 2022
4 minutes

Is it possible to change a roller shutter cord without dismantling it?

Over time, the lifting strap on roller shutters can wear out. If it breaks, the roller shutters can no longer be retracted. This also complicates the task of dismantling the box. That is why today we are going to tell you how to change the cord of a roller shutter without dismantling anything. Reasons why the cord breaks [...]
18 July, 2022
5 minutes

What is the difference between building automation and home automation?

The difference between building automation and home automation is simpler than it seems. Mainly, they are distinguished by where they are installed. But, if you want to know more, don't miss what we have to tell you in this post! What is a home automation system? First of all, it is worth remembering what home automation is. This [...]
14 July, 2022
4 minutes

What is the budget for installing home automation in my home?

Technology is constantly evolving to make our daily lives easier. Would you like to know the cost of installing home automation in your home? Here we provide you with the information you need! The cost of installing home automation systems in a home The cost of installing home automation systems in a home is around 900-2,500 euros, [...] [...
11 July, 2022
4 minutes

How to choose the best home automation system?

We have already explained on more than one occasion who invented home automation, what it consists of and its pros and cons. Perhaps, after reading all these posts, you feel encouraged to make your home a smart home, but you don't know where to start. So today we are going to tell you [...]
7 July, 2022
4 minutes

¿Cuál es el mejor motor para persiana?

Elegir el motor adecuado para tus persianas puede marcar una gran diferencia en términos de comodidad, seguridad y eficiencia energética en tu hogar. Con tantas opciones disponibles en el mercado, es importante conocer las características y beneficios de cada tipo de motor. En este artículo te ayudaremos a entender qué debes buscar en un motor […]
4 July, 2022
If you need us to help you choose the product that best suits your needs, or if you have any questions, please contact us.
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Online Trust is the leading quality seal for the internet in Spain. It is a distinctive seal displayed by companies that guarantee maximum transparency, security, and trust when buying and browsing their websites.
If you need us to help you choose the product that best suits your needs, or if you have any questions, please contact us.
24H Manufacturing
Shipping 24/48h
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